
How to Teach Your Children the Basics of Drain Maintenance

Drain Maintenance

We all know what it’s like when the drain in your kitchen sink, bathroom or shower starts to back up. The water builds up, the pressure increases, and then one day, you turn on the tap, and nothing comes out. 

Having blocked drains hoppers crossing is not a pleasant experience, but it doesn’t have to happen as often as it does if you’re smart about preventing blocked drains in the first place. 

In this article, we’ll show you how easy it is to keep your household plumbing clean and clear of any blockages before they happen so that you can avoid having an expensive plumber come over whenever something goes wrong with one of your pipes or drains!


  • Have two bins, one for paper and one for food. This way, you don’t have to worry about whether your recycling bin is full or not.
  • Have a bin for wet and one for dry. This will make it easier to keep things separate when it comes time to empty them out at the end of the day.
  • You can also have another bin just for rubbish if you want, but this isn’t really necessary as long as you get into the habit of throwing away items that don’t belong in either of your other bins.


Keep drainage pipes clear. If you have blocked drains, it means that the drain pipe is full of hair and other debris. This can cause an overflow when it rains or snow melts, so it’s important to keep them clean. You may need to do this yourself, or you can call in professional blocked drains hoppers crossing plumber if you are unsure how to proceed with this task.

Use a snake or plumber’s auger to clear blockages. If there are no visible obstructions in your plumbing pipes and they still don’t work properly, then try using a snake or auger tool to dislodge any blockages inside them (source).


Fix leaks as soon as you can. Leaks are the most common cause of blocked drains, and they usually happen when water is left on for too long. If you think your drain might be leaking, try turning off all sinks and toilets to see if the problem goes away.

blocked drains

Prevent leaks by checking for potential sources of leaks before letting the water run for long periods of time (like when doing laundry). Make sure hoses are properly secured, check for cracks in the faucet’s housing where the hose attaches (you can use superglue or epoxy), and make sure there aren’t any holes in your pipes that will allow water to flow out without going down the drain.

Detect a leak by testing with food coloring or baking soda: Pour some food coloring into a cupful of water; wait 10 minutes; then pour it down an overflowing sink or toilet. If it flows around instead of going down through them, then this suggests that there is an obstruction somewhere along its path which needs attention immediately!


The first thing you must do is to get a hair trap. A hair trap looks like a little funnel, and it catches the hair that has fallen into the sink. If you don’t use one, then all of your hard work will be wasted because the clog in your drain won’t go away.


Toilet paper should be used for toilet paper. That’s it. You can use a toilet brush to clean the bowl and the tank and to get rid of any other debris that might be lurking in there, but don’t flush wet wipes and other items that don’t dissolve. This includes sanitary products like tampons, pads or even condoms (although they are biodegradable).


If your child is a big fan of fatty foods (and who isn’t), it’s important to teach them how these can cause blockages in drains, pipes and toilets. 

For example, if you’re feeding your kids burgers or macaroni cheese that has been cooked with milk or cream – they’ll be much more likely to end up clogging the drain than if they’d eaten a salad.

The lesson here is that fat takes longer to break down than any other ingredient, so it will stay put until all the liquid has drained away. If it gets stuck, then it can build up into a solid mass which will either block the drain completely or prevent water from passing through at all.

If left uncleaned, then this could lead to serious structural damage, such as cracks appearing in pipes leading from your sink tap into an empty toilet bowl! However, calling blocked drains hoppers crossing helps to get rid of this.


We hope that this article was helpful to you. We’ve covered a lot of ground, but there are many more things to know about keeping your drains clear and open. If you want more information or want some suggestions on how to best to handle any issues that may come up, we would be happy to help!


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