
Gifts of Having Palliative Care for People with Dementia

Aged Care Glen Waverley

If you are looking for the right care options for your loved one with dementia, then Palliative Care Victoria is the way to go. Palliative care is a type of health care that helps people who have serious illnesses or conditions such as cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease live better. It is focused on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life for patients and their families. The goal of this type of treatment is to achieve comfort for both patients and their caregivers.

Help in relieve the suffering caused by dementia

As dementia progresses, people will experience a steady decline in their ability to do things they once did. This can lead to changes in mood and behavior, which can cause distress for both the person with dementia and those around them. 

Palliative Care Victoria is a way of helping people with dementia and their families manage these changes, by providing support and assistance with medical symptoms that may accompany the disease. Palliative care also helps relieve suffering caused by dementia by easing physical pain or mental anguish.

Reduce symptoms of anxiety

The next benefit of palliative care is that it can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and agitation. Anxiety can be a common symptom for people with dementia. The concerns about their health or those around them cause them to become anxious and stressed out. 

This causes the symptoms of anxiety to worsen which makes it difficult for them to enjoy life as they once did before they were diagnosed with dementia.

Palliative care helps reduce these symptoms by allowing the person with dementia to relax more often so they don’t feel as if something bad is going on constantly in their lives. 


Depression can also take over someone’s mind when they are diagnosed with this disease because it can be difficult for some people to accept that there isn’t much hope left for them since Alzheimer’s has already taken over their brain functions at such an advanced stage where death seems inevitable even though treatment options may still exist today!

Supports the patient and family.

Palliative care can help you and your family if you have dementia. The most important thing to know is that palliative care is not the same as hospice. Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life for patients and their families by relieving symptoms, even when treatment will not cure their condition or make them better again.

Your doctor may recommend that you see a palliative care team if:

  • You have been diagnosed with dementia, whether Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia.
  • You are caring for someone with dementia.
  • Your family has questions about how best to support a loved one who has been diagnosed with this condition.

Reduces unnecessary hospital visits.

  • Reduces the need for hospital admissions. In one study, a group of patients with advanced dementia showed an 18% decrease in their hospital admissions following palliative care intervention.
  • Reduces the need for emergency care. Another study found that the number of emergency room visits was reduced by half for patients receiving palliative care compared to patients not receiving it.
  • Reduces the need for hospital readmission after discharge from a previous admission within 30 days before death or discharge from palliative care if within 30 days before death; this includes both short-term and long-term stays at home or in nursing homes.


In conclusion, Palliative Care Victoria is an important part of the treatment for people with dementia. This type of care addresses some of the most common issues faced by patients and their caregivers. It can help with symptoms like sleep problems or pain, as well as provide support for both family members and other loved ones who are caring for someone with this condition.

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