
Handy Tips to Wash Your Car at Home

Car Cleaning Geelong

Washing the car in the right way is an essential part of car maintenance, obviously, no one can beat the professional cleaner but the car can also be kept in good condition with regular washing and proper care. The car is a valuable asset and can lead to expensive repair or replacement if the damages and other problems are ignored for a longer time. Not necessary that you can only achieve good cleaning with the help of professionals, you can also achieve good quality Car Cleaning Geelong with the professional cleaner, the right tools, and by using essential cleaning stuff. More importantly, it is crucial to use the products properly. 

Using the right technique is the key to achieving high-level cleaning, no matter what type of vehicle you have. Go on reading the blog to know about the quick and handy tips to keep your vehicle clean!

  • Use the right cleaning tools

It is important to analyze the condition of the car before beginning with the cleaning. This will assist you in determining what cleaning items you’ll require while washing your car. Be prepared with the right cleaning essentials such as a hose with variable nozzle, soft sponge, car wash liquid, microfibre cloths, three buckets for cleaning dirt off the car. 

  • The location where you wash your car matters

Instead, wash your automobile on a somewhat overcast day, on a cool surface, and with a spray bottle nearby. You should also park your car somewhere flat so that you have enough space to completely open your doors.

Car Cleaning Geelong

  • Cleaning wheels

Wheel cleaners that are water-based and non-corrosive are suggested for all types of car wheels and are the safest option when it comes to tire cleaning.

After that, you can apply your preferred cleaning product(s) to your wheels. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing the dirt off your tires with a tire brush.

  • Don’t forget to clean the headlights

You may clean your headlights by wiping them down with a cleaning solution and then wiping them down with a damp cloth. To recover your headlights after washing, apply a protective finish.

  • Deep clean the exterior and interior

Cleaning your car’s body will help to eliminate any dust, filth, or mud. This will also assist to keep your car’s paint from getting any further scratches.

To eliminate larger bits of dirt, wash each section of the car (from top to bottom). Remember to wash the car’s body with soapy water from your clean bucket!


Apart from these, it is important to get the car clean professionally every month even if you clean it by yourself using DIY. Depending upon your usage and traffic, car maintenance is also important. If you are tired of searching for Car Cleaning Near Me, no need to worry. Always keep the professional cleaning liquid for the car and the right accessories for cleaning the car in case of any emergency. 

Ultimately, dirt is the main cause that affects the performance and look of the car hence, cleaning dirt will solve half of your issue.  Drop your thoughts and comments about the car cleaning handy tips in the comment box. 

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