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How Do You Know When To Change Your Vacuum Pump Oil?

Vacuum Pump Oil

When vacuum pumps function correctly, they can vastly enhance the efficiency and consistency of manufacturing machinery. To do so, however, vacuum pumps must be routinely maintained. Part of the vacuum pump’s maintenance includes changing the oil.

Vacuum pump oil plays a vital role in vacuum pumps. Replacing a vacuum pump oil is critical to ensuring that your pump will keep running smoothly.

Why should you change the oil?

Oil-sealed vacuum pumps utilize the oil to move liquid and air and process by-products. The oil is essential to optimum performance. However, changing the vacuum pump’s oil temporarily takes the system out of charge, causing lags in the production period.

It can be tempting to skimp on frequent oil changes or skip, but that will drive the machine to die earlier than normal and even worse.

Vacuum Pump Oil

Scroll down to learn more details about when to change your vacuum pump oil.

  • When To Change The Oil

The manual is the first resource to consult when changing the oil in your vacuum pump. When you purchase a vacuum pump, it should come with manual maintenance plans, including oil changes.

Remember that oil changes may be required sooner than the recommended intermission due to the type of application.

  • Oil Colour

The oil’s color is a good indicator of when to switch your silicone or mineral oil. In general, it should be dull, but there are various shades in which your machine will work.
If you’re inspecting the oil in your pump and it is a shade darker, it is time to empty and replace the oil.

  • Appearance

Vacuum pump oil should be viscous and mostly clear. If the oil in the vacuum pump appears milky or frothy, it could indicate a leak in the system or have mixed in with the oil.

In this instance, you should not only change the oil but also inspect your system for leaks.

  • Age

If you’ve been keeping your pump for 4 to 6 months, changing the oil before operating the machine is a great idea. Waiting for long terms can cause oil to deteriorate, making the vacuum pump function less effectively.

  • Preventive Maintenance

To boost the life of your vacuum pumps, complete oil changes as part of your routine maintenance. Rather than setting it until the oil looks dark or cloudy, change it at regular intervals, as recommended in the manual.

This process can keep the machine running at high performance for more extended and alleviate unexpected equipment failures.


In order to ensure reliable and long-lasting pump operation, it is essential to pay attention to the level and quality of vacuum Pump Oil. This is necessary to keep your systems running correctly and enhance your productivity. If you need help determining when to perform this maintenance, check the owner’s manual and the appearance of the oil in your machine.

In addition, always purchase the highest quality vacuum pump oil from a reputed and trusted firm that will extend the life of your vacuum pump.

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