
NDIS Housing; All Facts You Need To Know

NDIS housing melbourne

If you are living with disability and have an NDIS plan, then you may be eligible for housing assistance. NDIS housing Melbourne can be hard to find, especially if you’re new to the world of NDIS. This guide will give you all the facts and tips that you need to know about NDIS housing so that you can find somewhere suitable for yourself or your loved one.

Check Exactly What Is Covered By Your NDIS Plan

If you’re a person with a disability who is new to the NDIS, it can be difficult to know exactly what is covered by your plan.

The NDIS covers all of your basic needs, including:

  • Transportation costs
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Home-based support services, such as personal care or help with disability-related activities like meal preparation and medication management.


Find Out If You’re Eligible

The first step to applying for NDIS housing is making sure you’re eligible for the scheme. To be eligible, you must:

NDIS housing Melbourne

  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. If your parent receives NDIS funding, then they will also be able to apply for their child to live with them under this program.
  • Have a plan that outlines how your disability affects your day-to-day life and long-term goals (this can be any type of written document).
  • Have a support coordinator who helps people with disabilities get the support they need in daily living and managing their finances.

Have A Housing Discussion With Your Support Coordinator

  • The NDIS will work with you to find the right housing. The NDIS can help you find an appropriate home, but this is not their job alone. They are there to guide you through the process and make sure your needs are being met, but ultimately it’s up to you to choose a suitable place for yourself.
  • There are many factors that go into choosing a house or apartment such as size, location and cost. Something that may work well for one person might not be right for another – so make sure to think about what matters most when considering your options!
  • If possible (and depending on funding), it may be worth looking at furnished accommodation if you want greater flexibility over where and how often you move around while still having access to basic household items like cutlery and cookware. However bear in mind that setting up these things takes time – so if moving constantly isn’t going too well yet then try renting furniture off someone else instead!
  • If there are any questions or concerns about housing arrangements then don’t hesitate contacting the NDIS immediately! They’ll try their best helping out with any issues before they become big problems later down the road.”


NDIS housing is possible if you know how to navigate it.

NDIS housing is possible if you know how to navigate it. If you have an NDIS plan and are eligible, talk to your support coordinator about the possibility of getting a suitable home. They can help with this process by providing advice on what options are available in your area, helping with applications and checking out properties for you.

Finding somewhere that’s right for you should be a priority when transitioning into NDIS accommodation support. There are many types of homes available – from shared flats to shared houses to independent living arrangements – so it’s important that you find one that suits your needs as well as possible before moving in.


Now that you know how NDIS housing Melbourne works and what kind of options are available to you, it’s time to start planning and researching. You can use the internet or even books to get started on this journey. Remember that we’re here for support! 

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