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Needle Phobia: How to Deal with the Fear of Needles with Hypnotherapy?

Best Hypnotherapist Melbourne

Best Hypnotherapist Melbourne

Needle phobia is an intense fear of needles. Varying amounts of needles, injections, and other medical treatments are used to alleviate various problems throughout the world. For some, it can be a life-long fear; for others, it can become a phobia after they undergo a life-altering experience or undergo treatment where needles are involved. Regardless of how you feel about needles, you will likely recognize at least one person in your life who suffers from this problem. Fortunately, Best Hypnotherapist Melbourne wide helps people to overcome their needle phobia by safely, naturally and effectively removing their stressors and replacing them with more positive thoughts and feelings. Let’s explore why you may have a needle phobia and how hypnotherapy can help you get rid of it once and for all!

What is needle phobia?

Needle phobia is an intense fear of needles. Varying amounts of needles, injections, and other medical treatments are used to alleviate various problems throughout the world. For some, it can be a life-long fear; for others, it can become a phobia after they undergo a life-altering experience or undergo treatment where needles are involved. Regardless of how you feel about needles, you will likely recognize at least one person in your life who suffers from this problem. Fortunately, there’s help for them – hypnotherapy. 

As soon as someone is released from the emotional and psychological stress induced by a situation or person, their bodies are “rewarded” with endorphins – natural painkillers. Endorphins also cause our bodies to produce oxytocin – a bonding hormone. The bonding hormone oxytocin plays an important role in forming strong emotional attachments between humans. Many animals, including humans, have an easier time bonding with other members of their species when they experience positive emotions like love and trust.

What causes needle phobia?

Although many believe that needle phobia is a psychological condition, scientists believe that it has a large share of biological origins. One theory surrounding the development of needle phobia is that it is a response to increased stress. Chronic stress has been linked to increased levels of stress hormones in the body. In turn, people who are under high levels of stress may become more sensitive to those hormones. Stress can come in many forms. It could be a situation where you’re under extreme pressure – like when you have to give a presentation, give a speech or conduct a medical check-up. Another common source of stress is Broken Relationships. Having to look into the eyes of your loved ones or friends who have gone through hard times can bring on anxiety and even stress.

How to overcome needle phobia with hypnotherapy?

If you think you have an excessive fear of needles, the first thing you should do is identify your main source of stress. Once you’ve pinpointed what that stressor is, you can begin to tackle the root of your anxiety. Next, you need to identify your “needles” – the specific type, brand, and type of needle you react to. Once you know what types of needles you’re afraid of, you can create a custom-made “needle-free” environment in your home that gets rid of the anxiety associated with those types of needles. It’s important to note that the more dominant your anxiety is, the more extreme your “needles” will be. If you have mild anxiety around public speaking or receiving a physical, it’s probably not a big deal. But if you have a really intense needle phobia, it can definitely be enough to stop you from ever enjoying life to the fullest!

Best Hypnotherapist Melbourne

How to say goodbye to needle phobia with hypnotherapy?

Fortunately, there is hope. With the right amount of work, you can overcome your needle phobia and start showing up for the world with a smile on your face again. Let’s look at how you can do that. First, you need to identify your “why”. What is stopping you from living your life to the fullest? Having a “why” will help you to better understand your “why” behind your “needles”. Once you have your “why”, you need to focus on “how”. What are you doing to live your life the way that you want to? What steps are you taking to make that happen? And finally, you need to “do”. What are you doing right now that you think will help to move your “needles” the rest of the way away? The last one is the most important one because, without action, nothing will change. If you don’t do anything, nothing will happen.  

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