
What Every English Tutor Should Know About Different Learning Styles?

Learning styles are a way of categorizing how students learn best. For example, some people like to read and write, while others prefer listening and speaking. It’s important to know your own style so that you can make the most of your time with a tutor. In this article, we’ll discuss what every Best English Tutors should know about different learning styles!

Visual Learners

Visual learners rely on pictures, diagrams, and maps to understand concepts. They’re good at seeing the big picture before they can understand the smaller details. Visual learners are also good at seeing relationships between things that other people might miss.

It’s important for a tutor who works with visual learners to use plenty of visuals when explaining something new–even if you have to draw something yourself! The more visual aids you can provide for your student (and encourage them to make), the better off everyone will be.

It’s important for a tutor who works with visual learners to use plenty of visuals when explaining something new–even if you have to draw something yourself! The more visual aids you can provide for your student (and encourage them to make), the better off everyone will be.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners learn best by listening to lectures, reading aloud, and repeating instructions. If you’re an auditory learner, you may have a hard time following written directions or even remembering what people have told you in the past. However, if someone explains something to you in person or on video and repeats themselves often enough for it to sink in–you’ll be fine!

If you’re a visual learner, you’ll remember what you read or see better than if someone just tells it to you. You might learn best by reading something out loud, watching someone else read it, or writing the words down yourself.

If you’re a tactile learner, you’ll remember things best if you can touch them. You might learn best by doing something yourself or having someone show it to you step-by-step.

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Tactile Learners

Tactile learners are more likely to remember what they have heard if they can touch it. For example, tactile learners may prefer to write things down on paper or use their hands and body in class rather than just listening. Tactile learners may also have difficulty with concepts that are not tangible, such as abstract ideas or metaphors.

Tactile learners tend to be more hands-on than other learners. They may prefer active learning methods, such as group work or project-based assignments.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. They need to have physical activity in their lessons, and they like to move around a lot when they are learning. They learn by moving around, touching things, and doing things with their hands. Kinesthetic learners may need an extra dose of movement time in your class before sitting down at the table or desk for formal instruction.

If you’re not sure if your student is kinesthetic, ask them what kinds of activities they enjoy most (playing sports? dancing? building things?) and try incorporating those into your lesson plan next time!


That’s the end of our article! We hope that you have learned something new about learning styles and how english tutors can help you learn English. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

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