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What is Programmatic SEO and How Does It Work?


Optimizing content for programmatic SEO is not something that can be done in an hour. It requires careful planning, organization and monitoring over a period of time. Here SEO Company Auckland advice that like any other digital marketing strategy, there are many factors which need to be considered while optimizing your website for programmatic SEO. In this article we’ll cover the basics of programmatic SEO and how it works!

What is programmatic SEO?

Programmatic SEO is a form of search engine optimization that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to optimize a website’s organic rankings in Google. The term “programmatic” refers to the use of software to automate tasks that would otherwise be done manually by people. 

It differs from manual SEO, SEO Company Auckland advice which relies on human expertise and experience; content marketing, which focuses on creating valuable content for users; paid search advertising, where an advertiser pays Google every time someone clicks on their ad; and other forms of SEO because it doesn’t involve any direct communication between humans or computer programs.

How to be found by a programmatic SEO audit

Programmatic SEO audit tools can be used to help you understand how Google is crawling, indexing and ranking your site. A good programmatic SEO audit tool will provide you with insights into the performance of your site’s pages on the search engines. It will also give you recommendations on how to improve their visibility within search results.

  • A good programmatic SEO audit tool should:
  • Report on opportunities to increase organic traffic by improving your website’s performance in search results
  • Help you identify technical issues that could be affecting how well your website ranks with Google
  • Give advice about changes to make in order for Google’s algorithms to better understand the content on your site

What is a programmatic SEO strategy?

Programmatic SEO is a strategy that uses algorithms to optimize content for search engines. It’s a way of making sure your content is found by search engines, and it can also help you get additional exposure on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. 

If done right, programmatic SEO can help boost the organic ranking of your website pages, so they’re more likely to appear at the top of SERP results when people are searching for similar keywords online.

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Programmatic SEO works by identifying what words people use when they look for information about your industry or product category—and then using those terms as keywords in order to attract those same users’ attention through paid advertising campaigns run through ad networks like Google AdWords or Bing Ads (or even Facebook Ads). 

While most marketers will consider these two platforms their primary source of programmatic traffic due to their high cost-per-click value (CPC), you may also want

to consider including other places where ads can be displayed like LinkedIn or Twitter—especially if these channels offer lower CPC rates than others such as Google Ads do because they tend toward longer form content with less intent from consumers looking specifically at certain types of products rather than just any old thing related only loosely by topic relevance alone!

Optimizing content for programmatic SEO

Using keywords and phrases that will be recognized by the search engines but still make sense to humans.

When optimizing text content, it’s important to use synonyms and related terms as well as variations of your target keyword/phrase. For example, if you were targeting ‘football boots’ in your article, then using variants like ‘footwear’ or ‘shoes’ would help your article rank for those terms too. 

This is particularly useful if you have multiple pages covering similar topics on a website or blog post that are competing against each other for visibility on SERPs (search engine results pages).


In conclusion, programmatic SEO is an effective way to optimize your content for search engines. It takes into account many of the factors that are important in traditional SEO but goes further by analysing how users interact with your website and what they’re looking for when they visit it. This allows marketers to create more relevant content that attracts customers and improves conversion rates.

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