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What To Do With Cut Grass After Mowing?

Once you cut your lawn and rake it, what can you do with the cut grass other than just put it in bags and throw it away? Are you looking for ways that you can re-purpose your grass? Have you been asking yourself what to do with cut grass after mowing? Well, simply keep reading to find out how your clipped grass can still be of use to you.


Clipping of grass

This is a technique that helps you to remove the over-lengthened grass from your lawn. When you are doing this, some of the grass clippings can either stick to the lawn or be spread all over the lawn’s surface. this grass is not entirely waste and can be viewed in a few positive ways including:

  • The fact that the grass does not necessarily need bagging but can be left where it is
  • It can also be recycled, reducing the need to ass nitrogenous wasted to your lawn
  • It can be left where it is and repurposed as thatch
  • It can also be composted to make more manure for the lawn

Uses of Mowed Grass

There are a lot of different ways that you can use your mowed grass in ways that will ensure that it is not wasted. Mowed grass can be made useful in several ways including:

  1. Recycling

For the context of the lawn, recycling means taking the clipped grass and replanting it in a different location, more preferably the dry parts of your lawn or the empty parts of the lawn. It is advisable not to throw out the clipped grass as it can be used as mulch for the lawn. The clipped grass can also be put in the flower garden, vegetable garden, or the trees to reduce the number of weeds that grow around there while helping to preserve the ground moisture and nutrients. It is also a good way to moderate the solid temperature and pH in case you are growing some sensitive plants or herbs in your garden.

  1. Composting

This is one of the best ways to reuse your clipped grass. For this process, you need to collect all off your clipped grass, put some soil in pots, and put the clipped grass in the soil to grow. Natural soil is preferred as it contains the microbes and microorganisms that are necessary for decomposition and rotting. Other than the usual compost pile, the soil clippings can be repurposed to also make a nice compost for later uses,

  1. Grass Cycling

This is the rather simple technique of taking care of your grass clippings by leaving them where they are and allowing them to decay in the yard after the cutting. Simply put, it is a method of reusing grass. The clippings have all the attributes of the other grass and come with high water content as well as a high nitrogen content from the lignin. The clippings thus easily separate after cutting and release these nutrients back into the soil during decay, a process that takes no more than one or two weeks. They are thus effectively manure. Some ideal cycling strategies include:

  • Cutting about 1/3 of the grass length which translated to cutting the lawn twice weekly while leaving the clippings in place
  • Cutting the grass once the drying sets in
  • Cutting the grass when it reaches a length of about 4 inches
  • Making sure that the cutting equipment used is sharp for the best results


Some of the benefits of grass clipping include:

  1. Clippings provide a natural way to offer supplements to your soil while also ensuring that you utilize less nitrogenous manure as the clippings serve the same purpose. The clippings are also a good way to alter the composition of your soil for the better in the cases where your lawn is predominantly muddy, sandy, or low in nutrition for your plants.


  1. As the grass clippings decay, they release nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium into the soil, all of which are absorbed by your yard. The additional lift is good for the soil while at the same time ensuring that you can skip at least one yard-preparation each year essentially saving you money and time. According to the EPA, if you do clipping correctly, then you can skip preparing your yard during fall as the grass clippings will take care of it for you.


  1. The reuse of grass clippings in a roundabout way helps to improve the structure of the soil. The oils are thus able to hold up to 12% more than before reducing the amount of water you need to spend on your lawn in general. The yard is also easier to cut and maintain ensuring that you spend less time on this task and less money overall.


  1. Reusing the grass comes with a feeling of accomplishment that fails to accompany the general disposal of the clippings after you have mowed the lawn. It is also a good way to provide manure for the lawn and promote greener growth without having to add chemicals to your soil. It is also a good way to reduce the use of plastic bags that the clipped grass is generally stored in for disposal.

It is always recommended to leave grass clippings on the lawn for the aforementioned benefits. There are however some exceptions to this rule

  • Expelling of grass clippings from a canal or control that is close to a storm channel.
  • Clippings that are invaded by sickness or a fungus need to be properly dispersed off to prevent the spread and re-infection of the lawn that may be otherwise healthy.
  • If the clippings land in a canal zone after cutting then they need clearing and disposal.

Clippings are abundant in nitrogen and other nutrients and reduce your reliance on fertilizers and manure, making the lawn maintenance more cost-effective. The cycling process also reduces the reliance on plastic bags for grass disposal while the grass clippings teat the soil while maintaining its general composition and PH, something that ultimately proves beneficial for the continual growth of the lawn. You can also ask lawn mowing and gardening services companies to do it regularly for you.

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