
When Should Someone Be Offered Palliative Care?

Palliative Care Victoria

Palliative care is often thought of as the care for someone who is dying. But it’s also about making the most of life, even when facing serious illness. 

Palliative Care Victoria helps with both physical and emotional symptoms for patients with serious illnesses like cancer or neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease. Palliative care can be offered at any stage in a serious illness, including during active treatment.

Palliative care is not only for the end of life and it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is dying.

patients with serious illness

They are often confused with Palliative Care Victoria. You may be surprised to learn that palliative care can be offered at any stage in a serious illness, including during active treatment. Palliative care is not only for the end of life; it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is dying.

  • When you are experiencing severe pain.
  • When your illness is making it hard for you to carry out normal activities.
  • If the illness is causing depression or anxiety.
  • If your condition is not improving and there is no cure in sight, then palliative care may be an option for you.



Prognosis is the likely outcome of a disease or medical condition. A prognosis can be difficult to determine, especially when it comes to Palliative Care Victoria.

When a patient has been diagnosed with cancer, their prognosis depends on how far the disease has progressed and whether or not they have received treatment. In many cases, there are no solid facts about what may happen in the future due to this uncertainty.

Prognosis also varies among patients with similar conditions—one person might survive for many years while another dies within months of being diagnosed with cancer. 

This is because each person has different strengths and weaknesses that make them better able to fight certain diseases than others; it’s impossible for doctors to predict exactly which treatment will be effective for every person who receives one type of cancer diagnosis over another.

suffering from serious depression

Depression is a common symptom of advanced illness, and can be treated with medication and psychotherapy. While depression is often associated with personal loss, it can also be caused by physical discomfort, pain or fatigue. 

Depression can also be caused by a sudden change in a person’s life, such as a serious illness or the death of a loved one. Both physical and emotional symptoms of depression include:

-Feeling hopeless, anxious or irritable

-Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed

-Changes in appetite (eating more or less than usual)

When someone experiences persistent symptoms of depression that interfere with their ability to function in daily life (for example, they have trouble getting out of bed or making decisions), they may need additional support from the health care team.


In summary, palliative care should be considered for people with a serious illness and when the prognosis is poor. It can also be used for patients who are suffering from depression or anxiety.

Palliative care can be provided by various health professionals and can help patients to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. It does not replace other treatments for cancer but rather complements them.

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