
Why Is Communication Essential In Palliative Care?

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Communication is essential in palliative care. It allows patients and families to understand what’s happening, it supports shared decision making, and it improves symptom management. 

Without effective communication, patients may feel a loss of control over their medical decisions or questions about their illness may go unanswered. 

In this blog post, I’ll explain why communication is so important in palliative care Victoria and why it should be at the forefront of your mind when providing care for these patients and families

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Ensures Patient and Family Understanding 

In palliative care, communication is a two-way process. That means that you need to listen as much as you speak.

It’s important for both you and your patient or family member to understand each other so that you can work together effectively toward achieving goals for your loved one’s care plan.

Supports Shared Decision Making

Shared decision making is a process where patients and their families are involved in making healthcare decisions. It involves a discussion between the patient, caregivers and medical team members about what treatment options are available and what to do next.

The role of nurses in palliative care Victoria is to support shared decision making by providing information about all treatment options so that patients can make informed decisions about their care. 

Nurses also help patients understand how each treatment will affect them physically, emotionally, socially as well as financially so they can make an informed choice about which option they prefer.

Improves Symptom Management 

Palliative care is a type of medicine that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms, as well as emotional and spiritual support. It’s often used at the end of life, but palliative care can be provided at any time when someone is dealing with serious illness.


Palliative care helps you manage your symptoms, such as nausea or difficulty breathing. It also allows for you to be involved in your own care so that you feel supported and cared for by your healthcare team.

Fosters Trust and Comfort 

The importance of trust and comfort in good communication cannot be overstated. Without trust, there is no comfort. And without comfort, it can be difficult to have a meaningful conversation or make progress toward building relationships that support your loved one’s healing goals.

What does it mean to build trust? It means being open and honest with each other; listening carefully so you understand what the other person has said; responding respectfully when they share their thoughts with you; respecting their values, beliefs and priorities; giving them time when needed–and this doesn’t just apply during visits! 

You might also consider how much time you spend texting back-and-forth on things like medication refills or appointments versus actually talking face-to-face about those things (or other important topics).


Communication is an essential part of palliative care Victoria. It helps patients and families understand their illness, make decisions about treatment and care, manage symptoms, and feel comfortable with their choices. 

Communication also fosters trust and comfort so that everyone in the family feels supported as they face this difficult time together.


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