
Best Resume Writing Services in Australia – How to Choose a Resume Writing Service


If you’ve decided that you’re ready for a new career path and you’d like to land yourself that dream job you’ve wanted for so long, a great-looking resume is one of the best tools to have at your disposal. The problem is that writing a resume or CV is not easy, which is why resume and CV writing services are so highly sought after.

A professional resume writer is a skilled writing specialist who possesses the tools and abilities to document you as an individual, your achievements, your qualifications, your attributes, your employment history, and your abilities in a way that will instantly impress prospective new employers.

If writing isn’t your strong point, if you don’t have time, or if you simply wish to maximize your chances of being hired, resume writers come very highly recommended indeed. As you’ll want the best services out there, here’s a look at how to choose the best resume services in Australia.

Read their reviews 

One of the best things you can do when choosing a resume writing service in Australia is take the time to read their reviews.

Once you’ve found a CV writing company that you like the look of, do a little online detective work and head on over to their Google page and/or social media pages and see what kind of reviews they have.

If you find that they have a lot of positive reviews, this is obviously a very good sign. On the flipside, if they have poor reviews, or even no reviews, this should be a red flag and you’ll likely wish to look into another resume writing service.

Do they have experience in your chosen industry?

If you’re looking for any job in general, this isn’t that important. If, however, you’re looking for a job in a specific industry, before hiring a CV writer, find out if they have experience in your chosen industry.

If for example, you’re looking to land a job in the fitness industry, perhaps as a personal trainer or nutritionist, see if the resume writers you’re considering have experience in this industry. If they’ve created resumes for people working in the fitness industry in the past, they obviously have experience, and they likely know what interviewers are going to be looking for.

Ask for recommendations

Word of mouth is a very powerful tool in this day and age, which is why asking for recommendations is so useful.

If you’re looking to hire the best resume writing services in Australia but aren’t sure who to go with, why not ask for recommendations?

Ask friends, family, co-workers, or even complete strangers online for recommendations and see what they say. If you get dozens of answers and find that the same name keeps popping up as a recommendation, this is obviously a good sign, and you may wish to get in contact with them to learn more.

Look at some samples

 Just like an artist has a portfolio of their best work, a great resume writing service will have a portfolio of their best creations.

If you are considering a CV writing service, ask to take a look at some samples of their past work and see what you think. If you know any business owners who have interviewed in the past, you might even wish to consider showing it to them and asking for their perspective from an interviewer’s point of view.

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