
Community Services – Choose a Career That Makes a Difference In Peoples’ Lives

Community Service lives

If you’re considered to be a people person and you find fulfilment in helping others, then you might want to give a career in community services some serious thought and consideration. This article is going to be taking a closer look at community service work in Australia, why it’s a fantastic career choice with loads of opportunity, and how you can get started on this rewarding employment pathway.

What Does Community Services Involve?

Community services is actually a very broad term that encompasses many different job roles and career paths in a very large and growing industry. Some people mistakenly believe community services roles involve unpaid volunteer work, but that is simply a myth. Multiple thousands of Aussies have forged successful and enjoyable careers in the community services industry over the years and it’s one of the fastest-growing industries in the country at this time.

Essentially, whatever role you have in community services, ultimately you will be helping people in some way and assisting them in achieving a better quality of life. If you truly want to make a difference in the lives of others and have a satisfying career at the same time, then community services might be for you. 

Some Examples of Jobs In Community Services

There are literally dozens (if not hundreds) of different and varied job roles within the community services industry. To go through every opportunity in detail would take writing a book on it. Rather than do that, for the sake of this article, let’s just list a select few potential positions and careers that those wanting to work in this industry can aspire to.

  • Mental health workers
  • Counsellors
  • Disability support workers
  • Work in aged care
  • Child protection services
  • Drug and alcohol addiction support workers
  • Social and youth workers
  • Community workers
  • Field supervisors
  • Caseworkers
  • Nursing and healthcare
  • And many more diverse opportunities…

There are so many different and varied job roles in this field that you truly are spoilt for options. There is also the opportunity for career advancement or to transfer over into a different role within community services.

What Skills and Attributes Are Required To Be Successful? 

It was mentioned earlier in the article that you need to be a people person who genuinely wants to help others and make a positive difference in their lives. Along with this attitude, you’ll also need to be a patient person, as assisting others can come with its challenges at times.

Communication skills and customer service skills are also a necessity, along with the ability to problem-solve without being overly clinical. An ability to form positive and ongoing relationships with the people you help is also quite essential. Being organised, caring, and resilient are desired attributes in community services as well.

Getting Started In Community Services 

The best starting point if you want to embark on a community services career is to undertake the Cert 3 Community Services certificate course. This nationally recognised course will equip you with the skills and qualifications you need to enter into the field.

If you want, you can complete the course part-time over 2 years or, if you want to achieve your certification sooner, you can finish in just 12 months full time. Whichever option you take, completing 120 of work placement is required to graduate the course.

The Certificate III in Community Services course comprises 5 core units and 7 elective units. No formal entry requirements are required, other than to exhibit a good grasp of the English language, along with literacy and numeracy skills. You may even qualify for funding to undertake the course or a traineeship.

Earning a Good Income Is Another Bonus

 Depending on the career path you take, working in community services can provide you with a comfortable lifestyle and even very generous incomes for some. People who are just starting out in an entry-level position can even expect to be earning above $50k annually and it will only go up from there.

In Conclusion

 As you can clearly see, there is a lot going for a career in the community services industry. If you’re looking for your first career or a change of careers, then consider getting started in community services.

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