
Finding The Right Dementia Care Home For Your Loved One

dementia care homes auckland

Looking for the right dementia care homes Auckland is a huge decision. It’s something that affects you, your loved one with dementia, and anyone who lives at home with them (such as a spouse or children). So it’s important to do some research before deciding on a place for your loved one to live out their final years—or even months.

What do you want from a dementia care home?

The first step in finding the right dementia care home is to figure out what you want from a facility. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What’s your budget? How much can you afford to spend on your loved one’s care? Are there local facilities with different price points that could work for your family?
  • What kind of location would be best for your family member’s needs (for example, rural vs urban)? Does their current home have neighbors who could help keep an eye on them if needed or provide assistance with transportation if they need it after leaving their familiar surroundings at home?
  • How long do you want your family member to live in the facility? Do you want them to stay there for a short period or make it their permanent home? What kind of care services does the facility offer and what additional support would they need from a dementia care home? What amenities are offered? Does it have activities for residents and visitors alike? How much interaction with staff do patients get on a daily basis?

dementia care homes auckland

The home should be clean and well-maintained.

When you visit a prospective dementia care home, it’s important to check out the facility. When you’re there, look for these key signs:

  • Is the home clean and well-maintained? If not, it could be a sign that they don’t care about their residents or have trouble keeping up with maintenance tasks.
  • Is there staff on hand 24/7? You don’t want your loved one left alone in an unfamiliar place without someone nearby who can help them if needed–and make sure those staff members are trained in dementia care!

Make sure your loved one will be safe there.

When you’re looking for a dementia care home, it’s important to find one with a low staff turnover rate. This is because new employees may not be familiar with the needs of your loved one and could make mistakes in caring for them.

Ask about any training that the staff has received in dealing with dementia patients–this will help you know if they’re prepared for their responsibilities at the facility. You should also ask about the company’s safety record; having a good track record when it comes to preventing accidents and injuries will give you peace of mind when placing your loved one there.


Dementia is a terrible disease, and it’s hard to think about the future. But it’s important that you do so. You can’t control what happens with your loved one, but you can make sure they get the care they need and deserve.

The best way to do this is by finding the right dementia care homes Auckland–one where staff members have experience working with people who have dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, where there are activities planned every day so patients feel like part of something bigger than themselves (and forget about their losses for a while), etcetera.

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