A Set Of SEO Rules Every Graphic Designers Should Bear In Mind

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Search Engine Optimization is ruling on online platforms. SEO Dubai shed lights on the researches & discussions on how to achieve more website traffic, what’s new in SEO, and of course, about the latest search engine updates. Website ranking is a sensitive matter. It requires equal efforts of SEO geeks, Content experts, web designers, and web developers to ensure landing an ideal website on the web.

Today, we will pick ‘graphic designing’ and how aligning it rightly can elevate your website rankings. It’s been said that “graphic designing for the online experience is based in strategy more than aesthetic”.

This is true indeed! If you have missed considering graphic designing strategies to strengthen your SEO strategy then this guide is a must-read.

Without much dilly-dally, let’s start straight!

  1. It should be mobile-friendly

Slowly after 2016, mobile internet searches have overlooked an idea of desktop searches. Google added mobile-first designs to the list of ranking factors. There are lots of reasons behind adopting the mobile-first approach while you work on designing.

“Around 51% of consumers prefer mobile devices for searching any products” – Denotes BrightEdge in 2017.

After considering these facts, you can simply understand why you should prefer a mobile-friendly website. Graphic designers can convert your improper website to convenient for mobile users and user-friendly too.

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So here the question arises, ‘how should you make graphic design work for mobile users?’ Here are answers for graphic designers.

  • Geometric shapes
  • Original photographs
  • Minimal brightness
  • The contrast of light and dark colour
  • Self-drawn designs or illustrations
  1. Consider tricks for eye-catchy designs

Graphic design is about converting the text form into graphics. It is simply a process of visual communication using illusion, photography, and typography. It’s better to focus on the purpose of catching visitor’s eyes using the latest and captivating ideas to sell your product or services. Through your designing needs, you need to design for the business with the aspects of trends, types, and needs of product service. Design of a website of application should communicate with the consumers in a way of perfectly balanced content, visuals, and colours.

It’s important to make sure when it’s too little or too much.

  1. Visitors are your target

For a graphic designer, it’s no less than a challenge to ensure an attractive layout for visitors. As a designer, your first priority is definitely the readers, not the search engine. However, search engines can read the content and interpret the result. Through this, you may get increase the position for the availability of visitors. On the other hand, visitors would appreciate the colour combination, clear information, theme content, and banners. Graphic design is a way to make the visitor stay on the page.

While you design a landing page, it is important to make sure about the fundamental task for satisfying an expectation of visitors.

The landing page designs achieve different aspects for the conversion  

  • It should attract visitors
  • It should educate and make your visitors feel contented
  • And it should compel your visitors

Bottom line,

Graphic designers can be a table-turner for SEO. For more information about how to acquire a good result, contact SEO Company Dubai – Dubai SEO Agency is one of the best SEO service providers!

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