SEO techniques that help websites rank higher in search engines


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a technique by which web pages are ranked higher in search engine results. As search engines can be a great way through which people discover content, ranking higher in search engines may lead to increase in traffic on a brand’s website. Most search engines feature paid ads on the results page on top, followed by the regular organic search results.

Traffic that usually comes from SEO can be organic search results which are entirely different from paid search. Paid search is often known as search engine marketing (SEM) or pay per click (PPC). There are many digital marketing agencies such as that assist brands in designing unique SEO strategies, execute them and constantly monitor them for changes. Contact Blurn to know more about the SEO services they offer.

Core Metrics that Determine the Quality of a Website

Links: Links from other websites help in determining the ranking of a website in search engines. The reason is that a link is seen as the vote of quality from other websites as website owners don’t help with links of other sites that have poor content. Websites that acquire links from other websites gain authority in search engines, if the sites that are linking to them are authoritative.

Content: Other than looking at links, search engines also analyse the content of a webpage to determine if it is relevant to any search query. A large part of SEO is to create content that can be targeted towards the keywords that users look for on search engines.

Page Structure: The third core component of SEO is page structure. As web pages may be written in HTML, the structure of HTML code may impact a search engine’s ability to evaluate a page. It includes URL, relevant keywords in the title, headers of a page and ensuring that the website is eligible for crawling. These are some of the actions site owners can take to improve the SEO of their website.

SEO Techniques to Optimise Your Website

Keyword Research: It can be the starting point of SEO and involves looking at specific keywords that the website is already ranking, the keywords competitors rank for and other keywords potential customers would search for. Identifying terms that people search for in search engines determines the content that can be optimised and the content that can be created.

Content Marketing: Content marketing is relevant only when the potential keywords are identified. It can be updating the existing content or creating new content. As search engines look for ranking high quality content, it is important for a brand to do research on the content that already exists and to create a compelling piece of content that would provide a good user experience and rank higher in search engine results. Good content has a greater chance of attracting links and getting shared on various social media platforms.

Link Building:  Links from external websites are known as backlinks in SEO. It is one of the major ranking factors in major search engines. Obtaining high quality backlinks can be one of the main levers of SEO. It involves reaching out to other websites, promoting good content, building relationships with webmasters, seeking help from the press to attract links from other websites and submitting websites to relevant web directories.

On-Page Optimisation: In addition to off-page factors like links, improving the actual structure of the page might provide great benefits for SEO. Common on-page optimisation techniques might include optimising the URL of the page to incorporate keywords, using alt attributes to describe images and updating the title tag of the page to use relevant search terms. Updating meta tags of a page can be beneficial as these tags don’t directly impact search rankings but can increase the click-through rate from SERPs.

Site Architecture Optimisation: Both external as well as internal links play a large role in SEO. A search engine optimiser can improve a site’s SEO by ensuring the key pages are linked. Creating XML sitemap can be a great way for larger pages to gain exposure from search engines to discover and crawl all of the website’s pages.

Semantic Mark-up: SEO experts also look into a website’s semantic mark-up. It is used to describe the meaning of the content provided on a page like identifying the author of the content or the topic and type of content on a page. Making use of semantic mark-up can help in having rich snippets displayed in search engine results like extra text, images or even review stars. Having rich snippets appear in search engine results won’t have an impact on search engine rankings but can improve CTR from search which may increase organic traffic.

When Search Engine Optimisation is done properly there will be potential to increase the amount of traffic that a website receives. However, all the traffic won’t help in the growth of a business unless it gets converted to loyal customers. This is where the role of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) comes in. It involves making use of various methods such as A/B testing to measure the impact on site’s conversion rate and to make changes to websites. Successful search engine marketers are aware of the fact that the visitor activity on a website is equally important as gaining traffic to the website. CRO was a technical and difficult process in the past, but as different software has been introduced, running tests to improve conversions is as easy as inserting a line of JavaScript.

If you require help in SEO and online marketing for your brand, agencies such as Blurn can assist you by designing a unique SEO strategy. The experts here will not only execute the SEO strategy for you but will constantly monitor it for changes as well. Blurn can work as an extension to your team and help your brand double profits by performing SEO and other digital marketing services too. The expertise and experience of the professionals at Blurn can help your brand’s website rank higher in search engine results! Contact Blurn to know more about their SEO services and how they can help.

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