
Tips for designing an energy-efficient building- read more

Commercial Architects in Melbourne

Energy-efficient construction is in high trend nowadays due to the increase in digital and smart technologies. Buildings that are energy efficient are constructed or upgraded to get the most work out of the energy that is given to them by taking steps to limit energy loss, such as reducing heat loss through the building envelope.

Selling architectural services and renovation architects Melbourne now relies heavily on developing energy-efficient solutions. Energy efficiency is important to clients for two reasons:

Going green helps a company’s public image. Many individuals increasingly favour companies that put sustainability first. As a result, companies aim to employ energy efficiency to boost their brand.

1) Account for the location

Property developers always emphasise the importance of location. However, your structures are affected by more than just the desirability of a location.

This applies to your design choices as well. When you construct a building with a west-facing orientation, you expose it to the afternoon sun. In countries like Australia’s hot weather, this isn’t always desired. Internal heat is produced by exposure to the sun, thus those inside must utilise air conditioning. This wastes energy and costs money to your clients.

2) Be careful of undeveloped land

Consider developing on the previously developed property instead. Water, sewer, and power lines are usually placed on such terrain. As a result, you’ll frequently only need to connect them to the structure. Even if you do need to dig, you can use existing utilities to build and therefore lessen your environmental impact.

3) Design for passive solar

Your goal is to construct energy-efficient structures that harness the natural climate to cool and heat them. The first piece of advice is to plan for passive solar. The orientation of your building has an impact on the heat generated within. Passive solar, on the other hand, goes much further.

4) Consider insulation

When developing energy-efficient structures for colder climates, insulation reveals its worth. The majority of heat in a building escapes through the walls and roof. In total, 35% of your heat is lost through the walls, while 25% is lost through the roof.

5) Always use natural water

Roof-mounted water tanks could be the solution. These massive tanks collect rainwater, which is the most abundant natural resource accessible. The water can then be pumped into the building’s plumbing system.

6) Use solar panels

When it comes to developing energy-efficient buildings, solar is the most promising alternative energy source. Many building designers, however, are scared off by the early expenditures. Even a tiny solar panel installation of 3kW will set you back $6,500.

Take into account what you get in exchange for that system. Modern photovoltaic solar panels have a 20-year lifespan. The owners of your building will profit from lower energy expenditures for the next two decades.

7) Use strong seals

When it comes to developing energy-efficient buildings, every little thing helps. The seals on doors and windows must be of good quality. In fact, insufficient seals cause buildings to lose between 15% and 25% of their heat.


Buildings that are energy efficient are less expensive to maintain. Over time, business owners save money on power and garbage disposal. They can then reinvest their savings to grow their companies.

Hope you found the above tips useful for your energy-efficient construction, if still in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask building designer Melbourne to proceed smoothly.

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